Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pgs: 11-21

Robert Cohn seems to be the main character thus far although he is not the one the book is following. The narrator is a first person narrator [POINT OF VIEW] character in the story that has the eyes that we see the story through. “His going made an awful row I heard, and I think that was where Frances lost him . . .” (Pg. 16) Having Jake as the narrator seems very odd since so far the book is about Cohn however it is effective because it is as if we are Jake watching Cohn. Also having Jake as the narrator allows him to analyze Cohn’s actions and present these analyses in the book. The background on Cohn was very brief and somewhat unfilled in. What happened to his kids? Did he just ditch them with his ex-wife and forget it? Also, they didn’t really say what happened to his 2nd wife/girlfriend, maybe they’ll address it soon but so far they just talked about how he was never really in love and now a lot of other women are paying attention to him and he’s getting cocky about it all. Is she just back in Europe hanging out for now? So far the book isn’t too bad but if they don’t start going somewhere with this then I could see it getting pretty dry. For now, I guess I’ll just cross my fingers and hope some sort of conflict erupts.

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