Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just Another to Add to the List

"Until they become conscious, they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious." page 70

This is just another paradoxicalish sentence used by good ol' George. He seems to like these. . . a lot. I kinda do to though, there interesting compared to the relatively dry plot to the rest of the book. I can't complain too much though, its not that bad. This sentence is a little different though since the two clauses are basically the same just rearranged. I'm pretty sure there is a lit term for that but I don't remember what its called and I am far too lazy to look it up. Maybe it's Antimetabole? This sentence is a reference to the proles, the only group that Winston thinks are still truly human. They won't rise up against the government because they don't think they have the power capable of such a thing even though they do. The only way they'll realize this though is by rising up so it is a vicious circle.

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