Thursday, April 14, 2011


I really like the letters. I think it's an interesting way to start the story and it gives you the same perspective that Margaret Saville had when she read them (hypothetically speaking of course).

"What may not be expected in a country of eternal light?"

Ok I'll admit, I didn't exactly come up with this quote completely on my own. I was talking to my aunt, an English teacher, about this book and she told me to pay attention to when they mention light. I figured this is a perfect example of that and when I asked her what was so important about this quote she told me it has to do with theme and a commonality between Frankenstein and Walton. She wouldn't tell me anymore but I see what she means. They both thirst for knowledge and not just learn from others but to discover. Frankenstein creates a monster out of nothing and Walton is in search of what makes the needle point north. Interesting how they parallel each other and how this quote demonstrates Waltons search for answers using the metaphor of light.

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