Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chapter XIX Pgs: 231-251

Well its finally over. What a shame. I really don't understand the final chapter, it doesn't tie together any loose ends, it doesn't send us off with any type of ending really. It could have ended in the exact same way about 10 different places earlier in the book and all that would be different is I wouldn't have had to read about them going to another bar and drinking and saying things like “isn't something lovely” or calling things “rubbish.” The final chapter wasn't really anything either he received a telegram, went to the hotel Montana, found out Bret was fine, the end. I don't get it. It was basically a book about a random guy in the post world war era and what he did with the remainder of his boring life. Maybe that's kind of harsh to say but it had no plot, no excitement, just him and his friends running around Europe and drinking.

1 comment:

  1. While I agree with you that the characters seemed to repeat their actions over and over without much direction, you need to starting thinking about what that means. It's not a reflection of Hemingway not having any ideas. It's part of the key themes of the book. We'll surely discuss it in class.
