Thursday, July 8, 2010

Chapter XVI Pgs: 173-191

This chapter was somewhat eventful. Jake continues to be reserved and always seems to be saying he feels weird because he's “far behind.” “I was drinking red wine and, was so far behind them that I felt a little uncomfortable about all this shoe-shining.” (177) It seems like Jake is always just feeling sorry for himself and acts like everyone else is always having fun but he's not. He never says anything in the actual conversations in the book to make people feel sorry for him but in his head he always seems somewhat subdued. I don't know if this has any direct correlation with his injury but I do think that indirectly it does since Brett won't be with him and that makes him sad and, well, we all know why Brett won't be with him.

1 comment:

  1. You made an important observation here that while he doesn't come right out and say it, Jake is feeling quite a bit if self-pity. Much of this book is happening under the surface, between the lines.
