Thursday, September 23, 2010

Much Madness is Divinest Sense

I really like the message this poem is conveying. It's something that I think happens far too often in our society. Oftentimes people do things simply because thats what everyone else does or that's the way they've always done it. Both of these reasons are invalid to me and obviously to the speaker of this poem. I think even looking in on a smaller facet of society such as a high school the same things happen. I'm not just talking about the students either, sometimes I feel like the administration falls into these habits too. One way I see this happening is with some teachers seeming to lose the essence of teaching. The goal in the end isn't to make the student fail or in some cases struggle the goal is to learn the information and if they do that without needing a test formatted so that it is overly complex and harder than necessary than that shouldn't be a problem.

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